I'm a CS Engineer, a Programming Geek, and a Machine Learning enthusiast. I love playing with algorithms and data structures. You can check Codechef profile here. I want to work in an environment where I can use all my skills well, I am seeking for an opportunity that provides me continuous learning, new challenges, so that I can learn even more.
Imdad Ali
Hall-3 E-202, Jabalpur. IN.
Phone : 8989088986
E-mail : imdadali@iiitdmj.ac.in
B.Tech in Computer Engineering • 2015_Present
Part of the DBMS project
Social Networking Site for our institute This online social networking site will allow members who are college students. Also, provide the information about the club activities of respective clubs.
Technologies Used : PHP,Javascript,Html,css,bootstarp.
Worked as backend designer and trained the bot
Predicting growth and economic value of crops for the farmers, and guiding them through the whole process Using Machine Learning . We secured 3 rd rank in this IBM hackathon
Technologies Used : IBM-watson API's,Python, Sklearn, Scipy, Numpy, Pandas,.
Worked as backend and database Design
Worked as team member for developing a module name visitor hostel by which any institute member can book a room,Check availability of room and book meal
Technologies Used : Python ,Django,javascript.
Developed Backend of the bot
Technologies Used : Python 2.7, Sklearn, Boto3, AWS, Django, DRF, Scipy, Numpy.
Full_stack develoment
Technologies Used : Python 3.5, Django Javascript,GoogleMap,GoogleMap_API's.
My Programming Profile
I am doing programming from 2 years of my undergrad studies. You can check my codechf profile here. Click Here